Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Becoming an exercise rider?

Well first before they would hire you as an exercise rider they would probably want to test your skills I suggest you practice racing on a horse that you own or that the owner will let you practice on. The most important parts are to be able to control the horse, and your stance. There are TONS of sites out there that could probably teach you correct posture. No you do not need a license to ask for the job, I’m not even sure that there is a license for becoming an exercise rider. I’m sure that there will be at least one person to teach you but you should go in at least knowing something about racing! You taking their time if they teach you to become an exercise rider, so I don't know how the money would be dealt with there, maybe you would have to pay them for instruction, maybe they wouldn’t make you pay at all, and maybe you would be a volunteer there until you knew what you were doing? I’m not really sure how that works; I guess it depends on the track. But have fun with it I hope you get the job and everything! :)

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