Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why are people on benefits so much more better off?

Am I the only person out there who is frustrated with how much better off people on benefits are? The government seems totally oblivious to how much of the hard working tax payers money is being wasted on people who have no intention of gaining employment but to keep popping out kids so that they never have to work! I am deeply frustrated that even if you do get employed the job centre gives you �250 for getting a job - how ridiculous! It also appears that if you work 16 hours or less you are still entitled to most of your previous benefits when you were unemployed - I know a couple who have 2 kids, neither worked for years until recently when he gained employment (minimum wage) working 2 days (16 hours) a week, they now get �300 a week paid to them and most of their rent and council tax paid for! I earn a reasonable wage and have a respectable job but I do not have as much cash to flaunt as these two who can buy xbox's, ipads and designer clothing all on benefits which my taxes pays for - how is this fair on the average working person? We are too lenient with these people who should be made to earn their way in life - needless to say the person in question has no intention whatsoever of working full-time because they are fully funded by the tax payer whilst they work just two days a week!

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