Friday, July 15, 2011

What do you think of George Soros?

He has donated 47 Million dollars to Liberal news channels for the purpose of just bashing Republicans. One of many reasons Liberal news stations have no creditability. For the ones who don't know who Soros is he is the one who controls the Democrat party leaders.They are his puppets and they do what he tells them to do. When Democrats are in charge He is the one who is actually in charge. And the best part is he is not even a American .Since 2007 He has been in charge and America has suffered big time for it .He paid for Obama to be president but Obama stopped being his puppet so now Obama will be out .(Not that that is a bad thing because Obama is disaster) George Soros envision of what he wants America to be is scary.Do some research on him! Remember if you vote Democrat you are voting for one of Soros Puppets!

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