Friday, July 15, 2011

Would my mother be in trouble if I told the psychotherapist? Or can you help? (Violence in relationships)?

Your parent is only going to get into trouble if you press charges or something and the statute of limitations is about up on that anyway. The therapist will not get your mother into trouble; but, I think it is necessary for you to share all information with the therapist for them to be able to best help you with your 'issues'. Most of your problems don't appear to be your problem but your mothers; however, you state that you have issues because of her actions. You are afraid of what other's actions may be in response to something they may not agree with if you disagree. I have been there if I didn't go along with whatever my mother wanted she would choke me or cover my mouth and nose and smother me when I was a kid. She's passed on now but she never changed she always insulted me degraded humiliated belittled me criticized when I had children she would assault and attack them also when we visited which wasn't often. You aren't a coward for thinking someone may attack you it happens and you don't have to find out if they are going to attack you the hard way meaning after it has happened. I would choose my friends carefully and all others can go to h*ll.

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