Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is me or my boyfriend in the wrong? Who needs to do what? I need your help please!?

Me and my boyfriend only argue over beliefs and point of views. He is a very specific person. The only actual thing that happened in this, is the whole bathroom situation(which I will explain next), everything else is examples. These situations happen all the time. The reasons for him getting mad is not because he don't trust me, "its the point." He says that you shouldn't say nothing at all with specific words if your not literally meaning exactly what you say, like words such as just, only, or give specific time if that's not exactly what you mean. For example (this actually happened) Something happened for him to say "go ahead and do this then, since you're gonna be in there for an hour(bathroom)." Which I replied I just have to pee. Because of what happens, he later says " if you wasn't gonna do what you said, then you shouldn't have said it the way you said it, and have more self control. But i was only planning on just peeing and coming back, but i got side tracked in the mirror and spent a total of 15 min. in the bathroom. I did not plan for that to happen at all, he seems to think that i did it intentionally and that I lied because I used the words "just pee" and "just" is a specific word and he says that I'm pretty much saying "only Pee", and that I did it on purpose because i know that it makes him mad, and I did it to just start an argument, him knowing that I actually meant that "I just need to pee." I try to tell, and show him that, that was not the reason and he then says im bullshitting him. That i am just arguing because i don't want to admit that i he is right. Also he says that in a sentence, taking one word out, or adding one word in place of another will change the whole meaning of it. I don't believe something is a lie, unless it is done intentionally before hand. When we first got together, I let him know I used to lie allot in my past, and pretty much all i did was lie. I did it for attention, and to have something to talk about. I told little lies like i saw a....(whatever it may be, but lying about it), stuff like that. I had such a boring life, i had nothing to brag on, or to talk about, so i made up stuff. When i got with him i wanted to change my whole life around, i just needed help getting out of the habit because we have everything in common such as feelings and shyness and weird reaction to feelings a person might have. We understand each other. Just like he said that he understood why I said it the way I did, but he says that, that's not the point and I shouldn't use specific words. I don't agree with what he considers to be lies to go over board or make a big deal out of them. I consider it a change of mind or plan unintentional. Knowing you was going to change your mind or plan before you do and not bother to let the person you know i consider that being a lie. I just wish that he could accept the way I use my words and talk, so...... yea. Because he don't we get in a bad argument. If i start to tell him a lie without thinking, I've gotten myself into the habit to stop myself and then let him know i was about to do that. I just want it to work, because i love him andi just don't know how 2 work on the specific stuff to make things better, and or who needs to work the most. I am not specific. I do allot in life that is similar to estimating or rounding off you could say, I'm pretty much saying im in the habit of telling what my intentional plans are by stating it as if that's what im gonna do by using specific words, but not meaning it specifically though. another example could be "im just going to the store and back, I'll be back in an hour." But then go somewhere else and take like 3 hours or so. Another example is, if i go to my mothers, and my intentions were just visiting, and we talk and i decide to go ahead and stay the night, i consider both of those examples as changing my mind or plans, and he considers it lying. I have an imagination. I can say that looks just like that! every knowing it isn't going to be identical just close enough to give you the idea. He argues with me and tells me im wrong when i'm trying to explain to him that I cant be wrong with what my imagination lets me think, him knowing that. What should i do? Who needs to improve more and change to make it work? Please help. Thanks.

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