Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Magic the Gathering artifact card "Puppet Strings" and attack phases?

A normal attack phase is broken onto 5 parts. After your first main phase, you go into 1. Declare combat. During this time until the stack is empty and both players pass priority, any Instants or Abilities can be activated. Then you go to step 2. Declare attackers. Once you finish deciding attackers, both players can again choose to play spells or abilities. Once an attacker is declared, tapping that creature does NOT remove it from combat.

Can i use a 12 volt battery to charge my (palm) smart phone?

specifically a Moultrie MFH-SP12 12 Volt Solar Panel with built in battery that i believe has a 4 amp output

What was that pirate show on treehouse tv called?

It's not on anymore it was in like the late 90s. But does anyone remember that show they had with the pirates that wore creepy masks? And it wasn't a cartoon. I think they were puppets, but they had like those white masks with the little eye holes and nothing else. Do you remember what that was called?

Explain why Wilson's idea of a hopes of a fair and lenient peace ("peace with justice") was a better idea than?

Explain why Wilson's idea of a hopes of a fair and lenient peace ("peace with justice") was a better idea than the harsh peace wanted by the European nations.

How can I pick up a weapon in assassins creed 2 for mac?

As the title says, I was disarmed early in the game and cannot find the key or whatever I need to pick up a sword, axe, broom etc.. I'm new so please be precise. Bear in mind I'm on mac so please be lenient.

Clubs in Montreal that don't i.d?

Me and my 2 other friends are all going to Montreal in a couple weeks. One of my friends is 18 and me and the other girl are 17. We want to go clubbing but were worried about the whole i.d thing. Can someone tell me some clubs that are lenient with iding people? please and thanks!

What is a very fast way to get rid of excessive FAT?

Specifically around 70 pounds, I know use "the healthy way" but i need more...a full extent. I need more than just working my butt off and dieting, cause its barely wworking.

Is it possible to install windows XP sp2 on a netbook that is specifically designed to run Win 7 32bit?

instead of having Windows 7 as my version is the Release Candidate (which will nag me to the ends of the earth) and my Windows 7 software is 64-bit and won't load onto the notebook so I thought I could load win XP instead.

What are some good state colleges in california?

I want to be an architect, and I was wondering which colleges in california are good for architecture and are a little more lenient in accepting people.

There was a certain political theorist John Locke criticised for using Biblical references..?

to say that women were made only to serve men. John Locke went against this notion by saying that none of the Biblical scriptures prove that. He specifically attacked that theorist's interpretation of Adam and Eve. Could you help me find the name of the person Locke attacked?

Green tea research question?

I want to know if the polyphenols and/or the theanine is released in significant amounts through the vaporization of tea Specifically through the use of a herbal vaporize

Can I legally do these 5 year old kids?

A presentation with balloon animals and sock puppets, because it is my last day working at the daycare, and I want it to be rocking.

Websites similar to Photobucket?

I have a photobucket account. I recently just got back from Europe and took nearly 3,000 photos, and some have been flagged as "inappropriate" (such as all the photos from the sex museum in Amsterdam). A friend of mine told me that after so many flagged photos, my account would be deleted. I need a website to put these photos on so my family can see them. Does anyone know of a website where the uploading content is very lenient? Thanks!

If you believe Obama is a puppet then who is it that you think pulls his strings What about Bush 1 and 2 ?

I said Barry was Soros' puppet. But I have changed my mind. I do believe that Gary Busey is operating puppet Barry because of the things Barry has been saying and doing lately.

Question about court and drug tests?

They aren't going to test you before you are found guilty and given probation. Shortly after you are put on probation you will be subject to drug testing. If you fail your probation will be pulled and you will go back to court.

What kind of makeup foundation should I use?

If you breakout from make-up, try a tinted moisturiser. They usually don't affect the skin. I personally like Aqua CG Smoother's tinted moisturiser, but if you do have to get a foundation, get their foundation because it is a good brand.

How do MerchNow's sizes run (specifically, their tank tops)?

I want to order a Transit tank top from, and I've never ordered from them before. I wear a medium in tshirts but a large in dressier shirts and dresses. Anyone ordered a tank from them before? Thanks :)

Becoming an exercise rider?

Well first before they would hire you as an exercise rider they would probably want to test your skills I suggest you practice racing on a horse that you own or that the owner will let you practice on. The most important parts are to be able to control the horse, and your stance. There are TONS of sites out there that could probably teach you correct posture. No you do not need a license to ask for the job, I’m not even sure that there is a license for becoming an exercise rider. I’m sure that there will be at least one person to teach you but you should go in at least knowing something about racing! You taking their time if they teach you to become an exercise rider, so I don't know how the money would be dealt with there, maybe you would have to pay them for instruction, maybe they wouldn’t make you pay at all, and maybe you would be a volunteer there until you knew what you were doing? I’m not really sure how that works; I guess it depends on the track. But have fun with it I hope you get the job and everything! :)

Anime show with a red haired guy morphing his arm with some gold symbiotic metal?

If it was on adult swim you should just look on there website. I've watched every anime that comes on that channel and i have no clue what it could be sorry. :]

If an accident is Casey Anthony's defense, why didn't she just plea bargain on it before the trial?

because she is lieing . her and her lawyers came up with this defense . they are hoping that ppl are stupid enough to believe it . they do not have to prove she is guilty they just have to put doubt in the heads of the jurors

Deathly Hallows part 1 question?

i was watching the Deathly Hallows part 1 and when it got to the point where Hermoine, Ron, and Harry were trying to destroy Voldemorts locket it occurred to me that wouldnt they have been able to destroy it if they would have cast the cruciatus curse at it? cause i remember specifically reading in atleast one of the books that if you cast the torture curse at a "non-living" object it would just shatter the object to pieces.

Do you think fat people are the friendliest people?

No. It depends on the person. Some fat people are jerks and some are really nice. It's the same with thin people.

Teacher screwed ne out of a grade what now?

well i would just take her word and try not to worry about it as much because if she lied to u your parents could report her and she will be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

My parents are racist to my girlfriend!! Please help?

Maribell makes a good point, though in a crude way. You have to care about what your parents think if you live under their roof; unfortunately they have some power over you. However, this is your chance to stand up for yourself, and for what is good and right. Try and think of a way to convince your parents that your gf is a good person. Maybe bring her over for a surprise visit. She could have a nice gift or two that will soften your parents' hearts.Ask them how they would feel if someone discriminated against you (or them) because you're Mexican. If all else fails, you have to respectfully tell your parents that you will continue to see your gf because you like her very much, she makes you happy, and you think they're not being reasonable. Will they kick you out of the house? Will they beat you? Will they punish you in a really bad way? Or will they just give you a lot of sh*t? If the last one, you can take it. I know you can.

How lenient are background check agencies on unpaid internships?

I did an unpaid internship for my dad's business about 3 years ago. I am being background checked right now and they asked for the W2/paycheck stub for this internship. I am inclined to tell them it was for my dad's business and unpaid, but just the fact that unpaid internships are "technically" illegal here makes me a little worried. Are background check agencies usually lenient on this sort of things?

Hair in unnecessary places...?

When I was little, I was lenient to personal hygenine. So, hair started to grow on my stomach and chest. I didn't think anything of it since I was only 7 at the time. But now, all my friends have their stomachs out with thir bikinis and stuff and I can't do that because of hair. I've tried shaving and stuff but it's a hassle. Is their anyway I could reverse this besides laser hair removal or Nair and stuff?

Are these good reasons for not wanting any future children I have in the public school system?

They do not teach the children what the US Constitution really means any more. They do not teach children how to think. They do not teach children how money works. They do not teach the truth any more

What kind of politician would you be?

I don't believe I'd have the ability to become a politician and remain untainted from corruption to be honest. What politician ever did?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monologues for Women from recent seasons in Broadway?

Monologues from recent Broadway made specifically for women, or ones that can be suitable if a woman performed them? I don't mind of its material. Just a good monologue, dramatic or comedic (I dont care) for women... Thanks!

Do universities (especially Ivy League) look at what you do during the summer?

When you applied for a university, there isn't a question that specifically ask what you do during the summer right? You can just put your transcript, awards and achievements, volunteer hours, etc or basically whatever you want? So, I can just get a like a retail job or just hang out with friends during the summer and if I get outstanding national awards and high grades, there is a chance I can get into an Ivy League? So, what you do during the summer can be kept confidential? And by the way, I'm just a high school freshmen, wanting to be a surgeon. Do you think working/volunteering in a health-related field is allow at age 15 or 16? Got three more years to figure out this college thing. And which Ivy League is good for a future medical student? Any tips or advice is appreciated. Thanks =)

College Enrollment Question?

I applied for UCF last month and just got accepted for the summer 2011 term, but it says that an enrollment deposit was due May 1st for summer and fall semesters. Is this date very lenient? Is there any possibility of me getting in for summer or fall??

I recently bought the new Commander Deck Political Puppets?

The only way Zedruu would be good is if you give opponents thing which would hurt them. Giving away too much of your board will result in you losing.

Will cbse2011 correction be easy for 12th class?

i am a student of cbse school ... I have given exam of 12th class this year (MBiPC).. I did not do my papers well. . I 'm sure i will get 27-30 in the theory papers out of 70., and 55 .. Out of 100 in maths .. Can i expect more ? I need atleast 60% in phy , chem , maths .. Im worried , will the correction be lenient ? Plz tell me , i m so tensd .. Cant sleep ..

What do you think about Eating Disorders? This is for a magazine article.?

Actually, eating disorders are almost exclusively found in the Western world (Europe, North America, etc.), so it is something that varies with culture. Eating disorders are virtually nonexistent in Africa and most of Asia.

What parenting style is best?

Is being strict and always working towards physical excellence and a good education best or being lenient letting your child slack off do bad but not horrible in school and not having have any physical potential better

Anyone have an opinion why or how did casey anthony become such a lier?

do people develop these traits? do they inherited them, is it because parents or to Lenient or strict, is it because they are spoiled, and parents look the other way and give in to their every desire? i dont believe for one minute that she is such a liar because she was sexually abused at 8 yrs old.

Where can I find the "expo tent decoration" in cityville?

I'm only on level 40. I'm doing this mission which requires two brown cows and a expo tent. I already have the brown cows, but I just can't find the expo tent any where. I really wanna get that carousel! Can someone tell specifically where I could find it please!

I have a set of puppets. A king, queen, jester, cop, devil,and a crock. Anybody know what they are?

The cop the devil and the crock are the opponents Mr. Punch faces in the second half of the traditional Punch and Judy stories -- having thrown the baby out the window and battered at least Judy and sometimes his neighbor to death he then batters the cop to death, is either led away by the devil or batters him and in other variants (they sometimes but don't always appear in the same version of the play) is then eaten by the crocodile. Who the King Queen and Jester are I don't know.

Why did Y!A (P&S specifically) get so many more answers a few years ago?

i was looking at my old Q&A page from 2008, and i noticed that half the questions in P&S got 30-40+ answers, and now it just seems kinda dead...

How do MerchWarehouse's sizes run (specifically, their tank tops)?

want to order an A Skylit Drive tank top from, and I've never ordered from them before. I wear a medium in tshirts but a large in dressier shirts and dresses. Anyone ordered a tank from them before? Thanks :)

How lenient are background check agencies on unpaid internships?

I did an unpaid internship for my dad's business about 3 years ago. I am being background checked right now and they asked for the W2/paycheck stub for this internship. I am inclined to tell them it was for my dad's business and unpaid, but just the fact that unpaid internships are "technically" illegal here makes me a little worried. Are background check agencies usually lenient on this sort of things?

Honestly Do You Think Air Signs are Dumb?

I think they are goofy and often unfocused. I would say they are "witty", but not particularly intelligent from what I've observed.

Is my mom being stingy about money?

As a parent, your mom doesn't have to hand you money unless she thinks it's necessary. It doesn't matter what other kids in the neighborhood get from their parents. You are not related to them and neither is your mom. If you want more than your mom offers - get out and work for it. Do yard work for neighbors, wash cars, walk dogs, or something else. Earn what you get in life and you'll learn to appreciate it more.

How do you plan a wedding when dealing with an opinionated future mother in law?

Well, since she thinks "sharing" means "asking her opinion", I just wouldn't tell or show her anything else. It's YOUR wedding, not hers, and just because you're getting married at the courthouse, you don't have to not feel like a bride. If she asks you about anything, tell her, but if she argues, just say "I'll consider that", then go and do what you want anyway.

Do you agree that PM manmohan singh is giving bad reputation to sikh community , for not speaking against ...?

He is not behaving like a puppet, he is a puppet in the hands of Sonia G right from the day one. He had never been an elected leader from any constituency. Making him PM was the regret of Congress for their deeds in 1984 anti sikh riots. In a democracy we can't expect from an individual to do anything against the wishes of the ruling party.

Where can I get Nike 6.0 shoes in Australia?

The Nike 6.0 website doesn't include Australia :/ Anybody know where I can get 6.0 shoes in Australia or more specifically a pair of Mavrk Mid 2's? a href="^4294961576&cid=102401?p=PWP&t=All%20Men%27s%20Products#?ll=en_US&ct=US&pid=371012&cid=1&pbid=INSPI_219308_v9_0_201008111832&path=mavMid21001&piid=17649&p=PDPiD" rel="nofollow"…/a Don't really care that much about being able to customise them...

How strict are they on the age on Carnival Cruise line?!?

Me & my best friend are going on a cruise on the Carnival Elation ship, well I'm 17 and my best friend just turned 18. The Club 02 on the ship says for ages 15-17, but will they still let her in since she just turned 18 last month and be a little lenient or will they not let her in? & do they give you a card or something to swipe when you walk in and out to sign yourself in and out?

Will parents find out about careless driving ticket (NJ)?

I'm 18 and I was driving 70 in a 50 but the officer decided to be lenient and gave me a careless driving ticket instead of a speeding ticket, I know its 2 points on my license and $85 if i plead guilty. The car's not insured in my name, when he asked for registration, i was looking through a messy glove compartment and he told me he'd just take my word that i had registration and proof. If i pay the ticket, will my parents still find out b/c of insurance? Also is there some way I can get the points off?

Another poem by me. please rate?

The rhyme seems a little forced, but otherwise it is very good. I love the subject matter and the beautifully constructed imagery.

I'm a new cat owner and have a couple questions?

I don't think you have to keep her in one room and all cats climb. Kittens are energetic and often do break things but she will grow out of it. Just relax and enjoy the cuteness of your kitten :)

Why do liberals blame guns for crime?

It's the same reason that conservatives blame sexual debauchery on explicit female nudity. It is not the nudity, it is the personal responsibility of the individuals viewing the nudity, don't you agree?

Who is in the wrong here?

My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.

Will vendors in Germany sell me beer anyway?

It depends where you go, overall Europe is pretty lax when it comes to alcohol laws, you might just have to try a couple of different places.

Anyone have any blog name ideas?

I am creating a blog on but I don't know what to name it. The blog isn't specifically about one thing though so the name has to be kind of general, but still catchy and unique. It's going to be about something different each time :) It'd be greatly appreciated!

Are there any flip-note-like animation programs out there?

You can use Adobe Image Ready. It is basically the relative of Photoshop. You can Make all the pictures, then put them all in one folder, then you can open the whole folder and you can change the time between pictures, and much more! I used it myself for making people forum signatures.

What are macroeconomic fundamentals?

Anything and everything that might help us to make a blog entry explaining macroeconomic fundamentals. Specifically its effects.

If 9/11 turns out to be an inside job, should those who did it be prosecuted, under the Ricoh Act?

You arev completely right about it being an inside job. anyone who doesnt believe it are just naive.Ive been researching about this stuff too and is completely obvious when you do your research and see the documentorys.its not crazy!think of Hitler!Bet no one believed he would do all that before it actually think just because there government thier on our side?theyre not.its all about power and money with them.

Was Martin Boremann Adolf Hitler's #1 "adviser"? (if so, WHY?)?

adolf was a puppet to the times but to no one else. too bad as if he was someone's 'puppet', things might've gone different.

Anyone know about Forensic Psychology?

I have obtained my BA in Psychology and now want to pursue a masters in Forensic Psychology-- I'm about to take the GRE next week so I'm just starting this whole process. I know that this specialty is an extremely small field but still, I'm surprised to find how difficult it is to uncover info about programs around the US. Does anyone know anything about any programs other than those at John Jay in NY and Michigan State? Specifically in or near San Diego? Also, being a year out of college, what are my chances of getting into a Doctoral program?

What is the specific type of molecule that triggers and allergic reaction?

This was on the NYS Living Environment Regents, I was completely unsure and put pathogen, y friends said allergen, do you think they will accept both? they're usually very lenient.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Superlatives- Your Least Favorite (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars)?

I hate Gemini with a burning passion.They're too egotistical,and they lie to themselves.They're so high-and-mighty,and never listen to other people.They always think THEY'RE right,and everyone else must be wrong.They're also a bit shallow,and I HATE that they don't take enough things seriously.At least the Geminis I know.Not necessarily all.But I don't think I'll ever get along with a Gemini.There are several signs I don't particularly like,but this one is the worst.

The Obama-Osama mystery?

Is it true that Obama is a puppet? And is it true that Osama died long ago and his recent death is all fake? Is it true that the Elite are the ones in charge?

What to do about my parents? ?

Your lucky. Get religious its a crazy world out there, you don't wanna go out there. Go out there when your In heaven

How lenient is Amtrak with checked baggage?

I am traveling from NYC to Albany. I will be traveling with a duffle bag that is larger than their requirements and will way more. Is there an option like flying where you can pay more to allow them to accept your bags or not.

How to not be controlled or blinded by the illuminati's members/puppets?

join the freemasons they are much more powerful than the illuminati the freemasons will protect you

Do the new Magic The Gathering Commander Deck Box's Contain the cards listed Online?

Hey man, I bought the Mirror Mastery deck and the oversized cards are just for looks, otherwise the commanders are normal sized on the inside.

Do girls in high school dress like the girls from Pretty Little Liars?

Is it realistic to dress like the girls in pretty little liars, specifically like Hanna or is it just a TV thing? Would someone get odd looks if they dressed like that?

Shell ejecting airsoft guns?

Why would you want a shell ejecting gun because if u are going skirmishing ure gonna have to pick em up. Or maybe youre gonna rob a bank....................

Why am I so apathetic towards everything?

Try getting out more. Staying at home , doing nothing but watching movies and playing video games are making you depressed. You need fresh air and more physical activity. Try calling a friend , or connecting with them over fb and making plans to hangout. Practice skateboarding , or go to the gym. Find something that makes you happy and tht u enjoy doing and stick with it. Meet new people! And Put yourself out there! Call up your girlfriend and take her out to dinner! Don't waste your time at home doing pointless things. You'll regret it. Trust me. Live your life!!! And have fun!

Why won't itunes get artwork?

I'm trying to grab artwork for metallica's album, "...And Justice For All, Master of Puppets, and Load" but itunes keeps saying "could not find album artwork" I've looked for them in the itunes store and they are there and I didn't spell them incorrectly. Everything is correct but it still won't grab the artwork. Help?

Question for metalheads? Why is this ........?

I think the other bands had decent quality.. but I see what you mean.. Maybe they just liked it that way to give it a little thrashier or dirtier tone.. but i really have no idea haha.

AR for PDA in the Army?

My question is specifically for hugging. I gave a quick hug in uniform and it just occur to me that there are stipulation with this but I can't seem to find the right AR for it. Thanks in advance.

European Countries in Finacial problems due to Banksters? Same Filthy Banking system being set up in Libya?

After Gaddaffi's terrorist attack over Scotland, there is no way I would defend the Libyan regime. It is criminal operation and must go.

What do pisces moon signs think like?

especially when it comes to relationships and potential partners. i just want a general answer but more specifically sag sun, pisces moon, scorpio venus.

Did Reagan or Thatcher ever suspect that they were just merely puppets for big corporations and the media?

Can you imagine how much more effective government would be if the sages from Yahoo Answers could only email these heads-ups to the idiots that have won national office

What is the scary Horror film called about a Ventriloquist?

Someone told me about a scary film about a Ventriloquist person and his puppet thing comes to life or something? I'd really like to know what it's called? Thankyou much appreciated :)

Does he like me or her more?

im going into 8th grade and my best friend and crush is goin into 9th. he has a gf but i think he might like me a little too we hang out alot and he hangs out with his gf at lunch but they dont talk much. when were together theres talking and laughing and i really like him but it seems that he likes his gf a little more than me. she's not right for him. and im not just saying that. who does he like more i havnt known him but for like 2 weeks and were allready best friends. is it any more than friendship we have had a few moments where we were alone but mainly we were making puppets for the puppet show for drama with a couple other ppl does he like me or her more?????? i know its confusing but i hope u can give me the best answer possible. txs!!!!!!!!!!!

What exercises can help to make thighs not touch?

So I'm not fat (not to be cocky but I'm 5'-8" and 130 pounds) but my thighs still touch. Its not much but it really bothers me. I'm always afraid to specifically do exercises for my legs because I heard that building muscle will make your legs bigger. Are there and diets or exercises that can specifically target your thighs? if so what are they? Thanks!

Why is age of consent more lenient than child pornography laws?

In some states age of consent is as low as 16 while child pornography is anyone under 18. Shouldn't the act of sexual activity be 18 as well or the other way around, if you can have sex you shouldn't be a minor for child pornography.

Atheism vs. Christianity?

Lately, I've been having some controversy going on between my sister and I, she a Christian, I an Atheist. She's always there to throw some sort of snide remark about how "negative" my perspective on life was without God and if I would just "open my heart to God" I would be happier. Listen, I was a Theist for many years before I became agnostic towards God, and I really have tried to open up to him, and I have searched for him, and I have confided in him, as if I were to confide in a diary, yet, I get nothing in return and I find no evidence of there being anyone even listening to me in the first place. Then whenever I bring up the comment of "I don't see any evidence..." she comes out and remarks "Well, there isn't 'supposed' to be proof, or evidence, or the sort. You see, that's the whole idea. The idea is to have 'faith' in God, and to 'believe'. To be a true Theist means to keep driving on relying only on blind faith, and that is what truly makes you strong. Logic is only an excuse of you Atheists to smite Christians and their beliefs!" Really?? Are you serious?? How am I supposed to confide in some dude I don't even know, let alone, even know if he's ACTUALLY THERE, when I have REAL friends and family to confide in? If anything, get a journal to write in! Obviously, her logic behind her argument is unstable, but I suppose that LOGIC really has nothing to do with it at all, and that I'm just being a 'weak non-believer' or whatever else she may say about Atheists. I am just not sure how to respond to that without completely offending her (she is very easy to offend!) and I would like to know your controversy on the subject. And yes, I am aware that God may be the only remaining alternative for those who have ultimately "lost everything" but in all honesty, sometimes I tend to be more lenient to the belief that faith is just an excuse to hide yourself from the reality of the truth. But then again, that is just a theory. Honestly though, I sometimes think that most Christians are the ones who are living in the dark. Anyway, please help me out by responding to this question, I'd like to know what you guys think about this entire mess. Thank you, in advance. Oh, and by the way, before you ignorant trolls start nitpicking certain aspects of this question that I may have misconstrued or looked over, etc., please be aware that I am merely fourteen years of age and my sister is only twelve. We both have our whole lives ahead of us, and I'd like to hear the opinions of some clear, educated, respectful, intelligent, responsible, and of course, experienced people. Once again, thank you for your time (please excuse the length of this passage, I was rather furious with my sister while typing it up). Please Respond ASAP!! x)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fellow Conservatives: Should we really blame Barry?

All Barry Soetoro is, is an Illuminati puppet who does what Soros tells him to. Does the fault really lay with him?

Are the ongoing uprisings at the Middle East a sign of the irreversible agony of USA?

Will all those criminal US puppets at Egypt , Tunisia ,Bahrain, Yemen, dumped at sea, weaken the power of USA in that strategically area of the World?

Why are people on benefits so much more better off?

Am I the only person out there who is frustrated with how much better off people on benefits are? The government seems totally oblivious to how much of the hard working tax payers money is being wasted on people who have no intention of gaining employment but to keep popping out kids so that they never have to work! I am deeply frustrated that even if you do get employed the job centre gives you �250 for getting a job - how ridiculous! It also appears that if you work 16 hours or less you are still entitled to most of your previous benefits when you were unemployed - I know a couple who have 2 kids, neither worked for years until recently when he gained employment (minimum wage) working 2 days (16 hours) a week, they now get �300 a week paid to them and most of their rent and council tax paid for! I earn a reasonable wage and have a respectable job but I do not have as much cash to flaunt as these two who can buy xbox's, ipads and designer clothing all on benefits which my taxes pays for - how is this fair on the average working person? We are too lenient with these people who should be made to earn their way in life - needless to say the person in question has no intention whatsoever of working full-time because they are fully funded by the tax payer whilst they work just two days a week!

How to print out tiny photos?

I have a journal and I want to print out tiny photos. Like wallet size... The thing is, I don't want to waste blank photo papers and plus, I never seem to get the settings right. Is there any programs I can use to help me with this? Any photo paper specifically for this?

What do Christian 'left and right wings' mean?

What are some of the things a pro-left wing party would say? What are some things a pro-right wing party would say? In regards to religion, specifically Christians?

Original ideas for a history dissertation based on Edward VI?

Hi everybody I am currently a history student studying at university and have just finished my second year. Consequently I need to start thinking about dissertation ideas, the sooner the better. I absolutely love the Tudors and wish to specifically work on an essay relating to Edward VI, the boy King. Are there any original topics that I can discuss. I know the Northumberland and Somerset factional power struggle and control of government and the question of whether the popular myth about Edward being a puppet and weak sickly King has been done to death, so was wondering whether any person had any suggestions of original dissertation topics based on this boy's reign. Thanks you ever so much!

What codes for pokemon black and white does the new dsi action replay come with?

I saw on amazon that a dsi action replay updated with cheat codes for black and white was released. I am specifically looking for codes for raising IV/EV levels, wild pokemon modifier, and max level pokemon.

Do you think the UFC, MLB and pro wrestling are way to lenient when it comes to steroids?

think of the slap on the wrist the pros get when they test positive and they are still allowed to compete. Internationally it is a disgrace if they use at any time and are still allowed to compete talk about stripping integrity from the competition ( I said Competition because pro wrestling is not a sport).

Why do people stick up for black people on yahoo?

people are un reasonably pro active in their reply and why when someone questions the validity of being protectionist against black views there is a ridiculous mob back lash. we know black people can stick up for themselves and can awnswer back and sometimes violently so so why all the pro black awnswers from white folk. I am nigerian from nigeria where our kids are taught stirctly how to behave, here in your united states you spread freedom and look what the black youths do they kill and rob and are rude and disorganised. I am a young attache to the nigerian embassy in england and nearly all statistics prove black people are a problem when given their freedoms and rights, in nigeria we have no such thing and youths will be punished for unruly behaviour. Your TV your laws and your views are all to lenient. black people can be racist to and I know this even more so than you whites, setting balck people apart and giving them lenient rules are just asking for trouble. They should be beaten if they are wrong. Why?

What should I wear to this costume party?

Because you thought she would do worse just cos she's a girl, you should have to wear fishnets and a mini skirt with thigh high boots and a slutty top. Basically go as a hooker. Or just a really Gorky girl pink flowery outfit. But hooker is better

How old do you have to be to get a sternum piercing?

Once summer is over i want to get a micro dermal sternum piercing. Ill be 16. I think my piercer is pretty lenient about the whole age thing. Technically i was supposed to be 16 to get anything pierced at a piercing parlor anywhere in my state i think, but since im all most 16 he went ahead and pierced my tragus.

Is Obama is a warmonger?

Obama represented himself as a peacemaker before he was elected. Hypocritically, this buffoon was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, he is a warmonger, or perhaps he isn’t calling the shots. Perhaps he is a puppet of some invisible hand that surrounds him. Who could they be?

How can I get my dad to listen to better music?

What?!!!!!!!!!!!..... Why is your dad listen to that crap? explain to your dad that music takes no skill to make it is basically all made on the computer and show him 80's rock or modern rock like skillet, or linkin park, and possibly Steve Vai. or just slap him and say DAD wtf your not 16 listen to your era of music

Why do people consider any famous band "sell-outs"?

I agree, once a band becomes popular/famous, many people claim that they've become 'sell-outs'. They don't even use the term correctly, it's become a synonym for popular. I don't know why, I think they must feel special that they knew the band before they became big. But I understand it as, as a fan, shouldn't you want the band to grow and obtain a huge fanbase? It's kind of contradicting.

Russia's Allies; WW3?

As of now Russia doesn't have any allies. The U.S. and the EU would be allies. But ww3 will probably be the Battle of Armageddon. It's hard to say if the US will ever be allies with Russia because of the Cold War which hurt our friendship. But in history We were allies in ww1 and ww2 but since then we were not allies. we are neutral with them right now.

Is this an obsessive relationship?

My son has been seeing a girl who has a lot of issues. We have noticed that since seeing her (about a year) that he gets depressed, never talks like he's in love, and when he's not on an outing with her, he is on the cell phone (she gave it to him) for 7 or 8 hours or more. He never wants to go anywhere with his siblings anymore and we have to fuss at him for little things because he can't seem to think for himself. It's almost like he has become her puppet. He is not on drugs or any other substance, but they can't seem to be away from each other at all.

How do you know which subways are uptown or downtown in NYC?

You see the red stations and green ones, does that matter too? Specifically I need to go from downtown to times square most of the time. I know what trains and everything, just I always forget this bit.

Is it my fault that we're not together anymore?

Does it matter whose "fault" it is? I've only heard your side of the story, but it sounds like he didn't have his priorities straight and is blaming it on you. You can try to be together again and ask him what specifically he'd like from you so things work. If you do that, what he says, but things still aren't working, you know it's his "fault". Of course.. he should do what you ask of him as well for the relationship to work. It's give and take, communication, etc. Good luck. Are you sure you want the long distance thing though? Be sure.

Do grad school recommendation letters have to be put in letterhead envelopes?

Obviously, the purpose here is to ensure that the letters are authentic and not tampered with: letterhead (and envelopes) from the referee's place of work, signature across the seal. The signature is most important, but your referee could set out explicitly that he is a former employee of wherever -- that would explain the lack of letterhead.

Who is in the wrong here?

My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.

States With Lenient Gun Laws?

I would say Arizona, or even maybe Mantana they are two states that really believe in the US Constitution. Texas is a little restrictive on their firearm laws, but I have to admit they are getting better.

I got a speeding ticket under my moms insurance 8 months ago?

I payed the ticket on time but I never told her about it. The insurance never went up or down it stayed the same. A few months back we took myself off her policy because my car died and I wasn't driving it. My car is fixed now and we are putting my car back on her policy soon it's been 8 months since my ticket will this show up when we put me back on it? I heard they normally bypass looking at a report until a renewal but are lenient on the first tickets. This is my first traffic violation ever. Will they let it go?

Who would be the right choice for embedded solutions in digital photography?

Who would be the right choice for embedded solutions in digital photography? I’m specifically looking for host-based software development services?

EXTREME menstrual pain!!?

I have extremely bad period pain. It doesn't feel like the normal cramps at all. The pain is in my entire abdomen, not just the lower part. I had a c-section 14 months ago and since then I have had normal menstrual cramps but this time they are so extreme that I can barely walk and can't pick my son up at all. I want to know if this is normal? Is it scar tissue? Does anyone experience this? And should I see a doctor. I am taking pain meds specifically for period pain, but it doesn't help. any ideas? Pleeeaaaasssee help. I aam worried and in pain.

What religion does this make me?

I do not believe in God or Heaven/Hell, but I do happen to believe in the 'Big Bang Theory' and The String Theory. Would I still be accounted as a Atheist or would that just make me more lenient on a science based religion?

Should state judges be appointed or elected?

Iowa is unique. They are appointed. However, I believe it's every 6 years, they are placed on the general ballot and the public votes to either retain them, or dismiss them.

Will I get my braces off sooner than the orthodontist said?

When people get braces yes you will see a difference in a few months I know because that's what I saw & I was told that mine will only be on for 15 months it turned out to be 2 1/2 years. You may have to wait for your bottom row to become straight because I'm not really sure if you can get a retainer just for the top part so yes they have to be taken off at the same time because when you don't have your braces on your teeth can move back where they use to be the braces to push/ hold them together & every person is different when it comes to braces. It takes some people a year while it takes others almost 3-4 Years just because they look straight to you doesn't mean that they will come off.

What would be the things needed to become an English teacher in Japan?

Who ever employs you would have that information, but certainly knowing cultural sensitivities and history and local customs would enhance your ability to teach English. You can try the Peace Corps, also, don't always get the country you want.

Are there any secluded swimming holes or lakes in Southern CA (Orange County specifically)?

I am looking for a quite and secluded swimming hole, lake, or whatever where you can just hang out. I don't want to have to deal with a lot people (or any people really) and I would prefer to not have to pay an admission fee just to go hang out for a couple of hours. Does anyone know of any good spots in Southern CA (Orange County)?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think President Obama cares about all workers the same.....?

The NLRB has no authority. This is the stuff that will get Obama impeached if he doesn't watch out.

What happens with your bags if you're flying on one airline and then switch to another one?

I'm specifically talking about deals you get from I see some flights that have a segment on say United, and then a segment with Alaska air. do I have to go get my bags and then check them again, or do I pick them up at my final destination?

What is a good compiler for C programming language?

i use Microsoft visual studio's visual c++ but the problem is that it is only limited to windows operating systems it cant be used on apple, Linux......

What do teen girls wear in France?

I am going to France soon (specifically Tours) and would like to know what 14-16 year old girls wear. I have heard that short shorts are a big no but just wanted to make sure.

If satan influences us, in what we do and what we become then how can we be disgriminated for such things?

i e gays, evil people. gays were created gay surely. they cant help it if they fall in love with the same sex. if they dont love the opposite how can they marry someone they dont love and then be hated by god? same with evil people. evil people were created evil. even if its satans fault, its not our fault, always that we turn out as to what we were created. if god is the creater of all things then he created evil. evil is a source. all sources come from god. because god is the highest and only power of what all things come from like branches. surely? how can he blame adam and eve for sinning when it was he who sent a serpant to trick them into eating it? for if he made the serpant turck them then he caused them to sin. for it was meant to be. therefore, we are like puppets in way because adam and eve didnt have a chance like they say, we do have , or were given a choice and rebelled. we had no choice, surely? something made them eat from the tree?

Unlike Egyptians, Libyans or Palestinians; why are cubans so afraid to protest against puppet dictator Fidel?

all the puppet leftist dictators are falling one after other. Raul and Fidel are two leftist puppets with olive green uniforms: two old and weird corrupt narco-puppets. Cuba needs to be democratized and annexed !

My bank charged me a $38 for .37 cents?! Help me fight!?

Sometimes I may over draft by 2-10 dollars and my bank would not be lenient towards me at all. So I just learned to manage my money better. but for .37 cents idk if they will let it slide, because they didnt let the others slide. How can I win when I call them, because I am not that good at arguing with companies because I always give in....

What is srininivasa ramanujan's contributions to math?

What specific formulas, theorems, corollaries and lemmas did he discover on his own? Also how are his discoveries in math, applied to the field of computer science and physics? ramanujan was self taught mathematician who never went to school. How do you think that without any kind of school or education he was able to discover so much in math? And if he did happen to go to school and university, would his math findings be more powerful and impressive or it would not have made any difference? Please help. I am trying to write a biography on him. Every student in class has to write one biography about a great mathematician. There were 25 mathematicians, and each student had to pick a number randomly 1 to 25. I picked number 7, and ramanujan becomes paper topic. In the paper I specifically have to write any 3 of his mathematical formulas and theorems and try to prove and explain them. Please help.

Being the nanny for a 12 year old.. please help me, how do I handle the disrespect?

It sounds like an unhealthy environment for you to put yourself in. It isn't your job to care for the little whinge's future or put up with his shtick beyond reason. If the father's ignorant enough to not trust the report of a grown woman, you might want to throw in the towel and find a different family to sit.

Is it possible to get a citation repealed for a moving violation accidentally made?

Hey, I'm a student of law and what your talking about here is a classic example of strict liability. Strict liability basically means there is no room for maneuver so unfortunatly the fine will most probably hold. You can try and dispute it but in traffic court this type of case is generally dealt with quickly. The fact that you did't harm someone is irrelevant, you broke the law and unfortunatly thats that.

What's a good water bottle to use that has a filter built in?

I'll be traveling to Central America this summer; more specifically, Belize. Belize is a developing country so the tap water there is not safe to drink. Doctors have told me to only drink bottled water when I'm there. However, I do not know where in Belize I will be staying just yet, and bottled water is not available everywhere in the country. So, I am looking for a water bottle that has a filter built into it and is also reasonably priced. Most water bottles like this that I'm coming across only filter out chlorine, odor, and bad taste. I need one that will filter it completely and make it safe to drink. Any recommendations?

What do men from the United Kingdom and Ireland think of American women?

Other than the usual suspects (dumb, overweight, materialistic), what do men from the United Kingdom and Ireland think of American women, specifically NYC women? What are some of the differences between dating an American girl and a Scottish girl, English girl, etc...?

What's the best way to shrink a pair of jeans?

Yes they shrink a little in the dryer, but once you wear them about an hour they'll be back to normal. Maybe you could take them to a tailor??

Anyone have a poptropica account with alot of "stuff on it" my son and daughter could have?

Yes, I know bad question, but they keep begging me to ask specifically yahoo answers for a "poptropica account with alot of stuff on it." Perhaps you have an account and don't play it anymore? Thank you.

Is MBA dept at madras university at chepauk lenient?

80% not daily sometimes weekly / fortnightly. not strict but u would be expected to be around. schedule is strict. absence will be noticed and will be called up

U.S. rental car companies that accept a Mexican driver's license?

I have friends from Mexico visiting soon (to Oregon, specifically) and they would like to be rent a car when they're here. I know some rental car companies in the U.S. will only rent to people with a US or Canadian license (e.g., a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Does anyone know if there are any companies that will rent to someone with only a Mexican driver's license (and, of course, a credit card)? None of them have an "International Drivers License." Thanks!

Are Democrats liberal to attract the minority vote?

Each party tries to do what it thinks will attract the most votes. This is certainly not characteristic of any one party. They are all that way. That is the nature of democracy.

Would Microsoft know if you burned halo 2 on your own disc?

If somebody burned a Halo 2 .iso to a blank disc then downloaded the updates for it, would Microsoft know? Also, I heard rumors that they don't really care about old Xbox games being exploited because they no longer can be played on XBL, is that true? How lenient are they about this?

Did I make a good decision? Brand New Car Issue?

Make sure a Ford technician drives the car on the highway at 60 mph with you to hear that noise. That's the most important thing you need to do. There's no way you should hear any loud noise over the radio with the window closed on a new car in my opinion. It sounds like the transmission's not shifting so that the engine RPMs come down at road speed. Make sure the gear selector is in Drive or Over Drive. You should have read your owner's manual too.

Where can i find complete and original broadcasted games of the 1970's Pittsburgh Steelers?

It's been a little bit difficult for me to find where can I find complete, good quality and original broad casted games of the Pittsburgh Steelers, specifically the period between 1972 to 1982 where the Steel Curtain really rules the NFL. I most appreciate if anyone can guide me properly and provide me with useful information.

What to do in Vieques Island (Puerto Rico) for teens?

I know the drinking age in Puerto Rico is 18, but how lenient are people on Vieques Island? And is there anything to do there for people who are not couples?

What did you think about the CGI in the Star Wars prequels?

I'm watching it for the first time on cable right now and I started laughing when they were fighting those animals and then the robot army in that coliseum. I think it's pretty awful and cheesy. I preferred the puppets and stop-motion animation to this.

How would you classify my sense of style?

your style is like a normal teenager in the 21st centuries. i wear the same things as you and shop at the same stores.

I'm 14 and and I want to know if you think my mom isn't strict enough?

Shes probably in her 40's, not 16. She needs to start acting like it. If your mom won't make the good descions, you need too!

So I'm 17, and I just found out I'm pregnant, what specifically is going to difficult?

I am 18 and pregnant.. You should read baby books.! Those have tons of details and even the smallest things us soon to be mothers should look out for. Good luck and congrats !!!!!!!!!!

Calling all Cocker, Brittany, and Springer Spaniel owners!?

When I was a child and we let our English Cocker spaniel get off-leash her nose was to the ground and she was gone. Very much like a hound. We could get her back - only when she was done her sniffing. I am wondering if American Cockers, Brittany's, and Springer Spaniels are like this as well?Do they tend to put their nose the ground and are gone? Are any of these breeds less likely to be like a hound with the nose to the ground? I've heard Brittany's put their nose the the ground and are gone. Is this true? And what about Springer Spaniels? what are they like off-leash or on a walk, are they trying to sniff the ground or do they generally have their heads up? I've done a lot of online research and can't find answers specifically to this. Hoping people with experience with these breeds will comment. Thanks!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Profession: Costume Design or Elementary School Teacher?

I am having a hard time deciding which career path I should pursue. I got my BA in Theatre Arts but am considering going back to school for my Master's in Elementary Education for a more secure future and benefits. Costume design would allow me a lot more personal freedom and I really enjoy collaborating with other artists. However, I would probably start out sewing in a costume shop all day for minimum wage, which I have experience doing. I would love to move to California, specifically the LA area, but it is apparently very difficult to find a teaching job there, whereas it would probably be relatively easy to find something in the entertainment industry. The only problem is that I would barely be able to pay the bills in California, working minimum wage. (I was thinking I could also start a side business on Etsy to help with the bills.) I enjoy kids in small doses, but am not sure if I could handle all day disciplining them or the responsibilities of teaching a full class of students, as well as dealing with administrators, parents, testing standards, etc. I guess if I chose costume design, I would be choosing the "starving artist" route, whereas teaching would give me a higher income and more stability (however, the job might be really stressful if I can only find a job in a poor area, or if I have to start out substitute teaching).

Films with pseudoscientific themes?

I'm looking for recommendations of films that feature pseudoscience, or science that exists within that films own universe but not our own. Films I specifically have in mind are Donnie Darko with the 'Philosophy of Time Travel' and 'Being John Malkovich' with the portal into his mind. I'm not looking for straight-up science fiction but films with a pseudoscientific element in a world similar to ours but slightly strange. Hopefully people can understand what I'm getting at! Can you recommend such films?

What are some "must listen before you die albums"?

Albums like The Dark Side of the Moon, Sgt peppers lonely hearts club band, master of puppets or any other albums that often get called "iconic"

Do judges give out harsh punishments for unpaid credit card debt?

I am being sued for an ouststanding credit card debt worth $1600.00. For the exception of a seasonal job at tjmaxx that I had from the end of Nov. of last year to the beginning of Jan. of this year, I had no income coming in and was basically being supported by my fiance who also lost his job in 2009 because of health issues and is on social security dissability. I will be starting a new job within a couple of weeks but it is only a minimum wage position and is part-time so I would not be able to make big payments but I would do what I could. Would a judge be lenient on me and allow me to make some kind of arrangements with the collection company?

How lenient are military recruiters?

Waivers are very hard to come by for almost all 5 branches. Most are non-existent. You can get a 99 on the ASVAB and the 15 college credits can't be waived at all. You will have a very tough uphill battle with the ADHD, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. There are recruits are lined up around the block that are healthy, no meds, high school diploma or even college graduate. You will have a tough time but I do wish you the best of luck.

Is Sarah Palin for real?

No but she can be a real nuisance what she has proved to be as of late white house no, an emmy yes she Is Ignoring washington and going hollywood celebrities need to keep a careful eye on her more then politicians .

Is My Son having sex?

Yes, he is having sex. He is going to go off to college and have more sex. Just like you did and most people in every generation. God gave him two heads and enough blood to run one at a time. He probably isn't seeing anyone. It may just be casual sex, with probably a fair number of partners. Have a talk with him, but honestly... did the talk stop anyone when they were young?

I am thinking about changing out of the bridesmaid dress after the ceremony. What do you think?

The dress was pick by the bride and another bridesmaid who are both size 6. The other bridesmaid in a different states is a size 8 and I am a size 12. The other BM's don't have any kids but I have three, my youngest being 10 months. I have breast feed them all and my breasts didn't go back to their original size, one is a size bigger then the other. I sent the bride an e-mail asking if I could pick a different dress because she chose a short strapless. I have a hard time holding the dress up, if you know what I mean and even adding spaghetti straps don't help. If I bend over the wrong way you can see possibly see my imperfections. Anyways I have decided to just wear the dress. This is just the beginning of her ridiculous nonsense. I will end up spending 2 grand on this wedding with no help from her. My two daughters will be her flowergirls. I had to pay extra for the plane ticket because she changed her wedding date three months before the wedding and I bought it two weeks out and the price increased 100 bucks per ticket. I tried booking the hotel where the ceremony/reception is two months before the wedding and she had not confirmed the contract with the hotel or something and I couldn't get the wedding deal. I tried booking the hotel two weeks out and I was told by the hotel that the wedding reservations close a month before the wedding. I will have to pay 800 bucks for three days at the hotel instead of the 310 with the wedding party deal. The only way I could possibly get to bypass this is if she asks the wedding coordinator at the hotel to give me the deal. Because of her indecisiveness it has cost me a lot more money then I planned on spending. She doesn't seem to care that I need her be a little more lenient with her dress selection as well as informing her wedding party of need to know information. She is not offering to pay for anything nor does she let me know her plans with the flowergirls, any desires of hairstyle or anything. I will never agree to be a brides maid again and does she really think that I'm going to wear a Malibu colored sleeveless, short dress again? I don't think I'll ever be 12 years old or going to prom. $150 bucks down the drain! I'm wondering if our friendship is even worth this? I feel as though she just doesn't care about how her bridesmaids are going to look next to her, I really look a fright in the dress and I'm sure she is not going to like her wedding photos. She's busy with all her wedding plans and I will just support her the best I can with my dress open on top. I will not bend over the rest of the night. I wish I'd never agree to be in her bridal party.

How hard is it to get into a Physician Assistant program when your GPA is just at the minimum?

I am a Junior in college and my Science GPA isn't amazing by any means. Its actually on the low end of the requirement scale and thus my overall GPA isnt the best but its still better than my science GPA. I really really want to get into PA school and I was just curious how lenient the minimums are and how competetive most programs are. I understand it differs for different schools but in general what should I aim for in order for acceptance into the program?

Is your school f*cking weird?

My school is so funny and weird at the same time. We have like all these high people and druggies and all the teachers are always like what and we have people sit in the middle of the hallway for no complete reason... Everybody's just so weird, they fight for fun and they say all this funny stuff. I can say our school is so lenient and so not strict. I'm happy I go there.

How does Metallica Suck?

They don't. People just get jealous of their talent. That's why Metallica's albums sell so good, because they're musically better then underground bands. People say that St Anger, ReLoad, Death Magnetic, and every album after the Black Album sucked, but the only way they might suck is in comparison to Metallica's best songs. Fuel is still gonna be better than anything these haters could ever hope to compose. The Day That Never Comes is always going to be more popular than the unknown metal bands songs, etc.

Would my mother be in trouble if I told the psychotherapist? Or can you help? (Violence in relationships)?

Your parent is only going to get into trouble if you press charges or something and the statute of limitations is about up on that anyway. The therapist will not get your mother into trouble; but, I think it is necessary for you to share all information with the therapist for them to be able to best help you with your 'issues'. Most of your problems don't appear to be your problem but your mothers; however, you state that you have issues because of her actions. You are afraid of what other's actions may be in response to something they may not agree with if you disagree. I have been there if I didn't go along with whatever my mother wanted she would choke me or cover my mouth and nose and smother me when I was a kid. She's passed on now but she never changed she always insulted me degraded humiliated belittled me criticized when I had children she would assault and attack them also when we visited which wasn't often. You aren't a coward for thinking someone may attack you it happens and you don't have to find out if they are going to attack you the hard way meaning after it has happened. I would choose my friends carefully and all others can go to h*ll.

My Wow account is banned?

I quit playing for about a year now and I was going to log on today just to see what was new when I found out my account had been hacked and banned. If anyone else has been through this I was just wondering if blizzard is lenient or is it a real pain in the *** to get my account active again?

What do you think of George Soros?

He has donated 47 Million dollars to Liberal news channels for the purpose of just bashing Republicans. One of many reasons Liberal news stations have no creditability. For the ones who don't know who Soros is he is the one who controls the Democrat party leaders.They are his puppets and they do what he tells them to do. When Democrats are in charge He is the one who is actually in charge. And the best part is he is not even a American .Since 2007 He has been in charge and America has suffered big time for it .He paid for Obama to be president but Obama stopped being his puppet so now Obama will be out .(Not that that is a bad thing because Obama is disaster) George Soros envision of what he wants America to be is scary.Do some research on him! Remember if you vote Democrat you are voting for one of Soros Puppets!

Why is the Marxist Anti-Capitalist Obama in bed with Goldman Sachs & Wall Street?

The sad thing is I don't think some people on here actually got the irony of your rhetorical question, that's just how dumb some people are, even though you have made this as clear as crystal. You should submit this actually to a site like reddit.

What does "coloring someone" means?

as in the violent femmes' song "color me once". or what specifically it means in this song?

What are some good workouts before I begin Muay Thai that will help me going into it?

I want to be pretty fit going into it, and i know workouts that can help, but if possible i would like to know some workouts that specifically help Muay Thai Training because i heard there is a lot of conditioning involved in Muay Thai training so i want to be somewhat prepared before i start. Also, it's ok if the workouts have weights involved.

Politically Speaking, Why are people so worked up about guns? What is there to complain about?

Ok, you guys can have guns for self-defense and hunting...what other legal acts are you going to use a gun for that you so desperately have to complain about laws not being lenient enough?

Teaching children to read: whole word vs!?

I'm having trouble understanding phonics. I understand how whole word methods work, and that they can cause advancement very young (see this: But I've also read that children can become confused by whole word when they're older as they are just memorising the shape of the word. My question is, how does a child learn the alphabet with phonics? Surely they just learn that each letter makes a sound. If you show them a "b" and make a "buh" noise, won't they recognise "b" to be "buh" and not the actual letter? I'm specifically referring to when teaching children from a very young age when they won't know any better, like in the above video.

Is it normal for my parents to think this way?

Your mom's thinking is a bit off. One can be too YOUNG to sleep at someone else's home, but never too old. Your mom just doesn't want you sleeping out because she doesn't want you having sex and getting pregnant.

Do any liberal's see obama as a puppet?

I am a independent voter and many liberals now tell me that they don't believe obama is really in control

If parents are illegal immigrants but the child isn't?

If, for example, a husband and wife were illegal immigrants in a country but had a child in that country, could the child be allowed to stay? Also, I'm specifically curious about this for America and England. I'm writing a story and I need to know immigration laws!

Could a fluent spanish speaker translate this?

Pienso en que reglas inculcarle a mis futuros hijos. Primeramente, sere leniente con mis reglas, y no me importara si ellos solo estan ocho minutos tarde. Segundo, hablare con ellos sobre mis reglas, para que asi ellos sepan que representan ellos y los seguire. En tercera, yo no creare nuevas reglas al azar, como mi padre lo hace. En cuarte, quisiera que ellos obtuvieran al menos un GPA de 3.0 in la escuela, o mejor. Castigare a mis hijos si a ellos no les va bien en la escuela. Tambien quisiera recompensarles si llegaran a tener buenas calificaciones. Eventualmente quisiera pedir disculpas a mis padres. Se que solo estaba ocho minutos tarde, pero si dijera lo siento quizas no sere castigado el proximo fin de semana. Dire lo siento, "disculpa por llegar tarde padre, no volvera a pasar". Y entonces espero que el me deje salir con mis amigos el proximo fin de semana.

Rehoming fish to good homes?

aquarium classifieds is where i sell and buy all of my fish, i reccomend this as customers take interest usually the same day. i work in a pet store and would still reccomend selling them on to someone i have control over rather then taking them to work and have someone else sell them.

What is cinema and television arts?

I want to know no more specifically more what this major is like and what kinds of job I'll get for studying in this field. Please answer only if you know, Thank you for your time.

Mother-in-Law issues -- HELP!?

You are in a hard place because you are renting through your mother-in-law. You and your partner need to start establishing some ground rules about your mother coming and going.You do have some rights to privacy. When you do move sooner rather than later then you need to establish some rules The earlier you speak up the easier it will be to break the pattern, Good luck.

Is it wrong to use another guitarist's guitar?

Hey guys so im thinking about buying a new guitar specifically the buckethead les paul sig because i am a huge buckethead fan i am also in a band so what do you guys think should i buy someone else's guitar to use for my own music does it really matter?


Da Vinci. he was the proest of them all. He had a bunch of notebooks with different inventions and he helped us a lot with science and art and stuff.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How does a hard drive write data?

It would right to every platter at the same time depending on how the manufacturer broke up the sectors. It will start with sector 1, then 2, then 3 and so on. Its up to the manufacturer where on the platters to put the individual sectors.

What did you think of 'Starship' (Team Starkid)?

Just wondering what other people thought of it. I found the puppets a little annoying, but Joey was amazing as always. And the look on his face when Bug and February were kissing was priceless.

I'M DESPERATE!! Where can I buy tomato vines right now?

I'M DESPERATE!! Where can I buy tomato vines right now?? Specifically I think they're heirloom tomatoes... I accidentally ruined 12 tomatoes vines in my parents garden that had been grwoing for weeks and I want to replace them immediately, but I've never bought tomato vines before. Tried Home Depot and OSH online just to see if they actually have carry them at their stores, before calling local store to check... Any other help?? Please I'M DESPERATE!!

Very hurtful marriage situation, long question, please help?

He is not going to stop, the longer you stay the more you're going to hurt. You deserve so much better, you need to stand your grounds on he will look at you as a passive push over.

I need to get rid of a stove and I live in a major city and I don't have a truck.?

More specifically I live in Pittsburgh, PA (very close to the university of pittsburgh). The stove is junk and I need to know the best way to go about disposing of it. I suppose I could get a couple drunken friends to help me carry it to a nearby dumpster, but I wanted to know if there was an easier solution before I resorted to that.

Is it my place to tell my wife how to properly feed her own children?

I have 13-year old twin stepsons since I married their mother last year. My wife and I make decent money but we run out of food too quickly for my liking. One of the boys in particular gained more than a few pounds. He can eat an entire Oreo pack in one sitting.My wife keeps insisting that growing require different food portions than adults(and she added that I won't understand until I become a parent). But I can't help but to wonder if my wife is too lenient on them as far as food goes. That's why these kids are so FAT. Any tips?

Should I go to this party?

My boyfriend's mom and stepfather is going away for a whole week sometime this summer, I think around mid-June, and him and his step sister are going to throw a huge party while that are gone, I know how original. The party will involve alcohol, and me staying the night with my boyfriend (we have been dating almost three months and we haven't done anything, nor do I plan on doing anything with him.) I am tempted to go to the party, and it sounds really fin, but I also don't want to go at the same time. I am afraid that the party will get busted , and I really don't want to lose my parents trust, they are so lenient and trusting towards me already, and I also don't want to get drunk and do something I will regret. But, I could go and not drink, but like I said, the chances of getting caught and all that junk. What should I do? I need mature answers please. (:

Child Visitation question in Texas.?

I have two children with my soon to be ex husband. One is 5 and the other is 20 months. We have an order with the attorney general so all the child support and visitation is set up with them. Since the order has been in place he has only taken our 5 year old. Never once has even taken our youngeat not even for a day. Well now hes threatening me that hes going to start keeping our youngest just because I got mad at him cuz he was very late in bringing our oldest back on his last weekend. I am very lenient with him. Hes suppose to drive an hour to pick them up and drop them off but im nice enough to bring her an hour away to him. Any time hes needed her and it wasnt his time ive always let him have her. But never once has he taken the baby. My question is. Even tho its not stated in our papers that he gets over night vists with our youngezt can he? Someone told me that they have to be 3 before they can get over night vists. Im so nervous because my youngest is literally attached to my hip and is never away from me and has alot of stranger anxiety. So if anyone can tell me what my options are and if the 3 year old over night vists arent the way it is, what i can possibly do to change it quickly??? We luve in texas. Thanks everyone.

How do we keep our kids from being so oversexualized?

I have a teenager and a toddler (both girls). I feel like there is soooo much pressure on beauty and looks. Everywhere you look, TV, radio, internet, sex is EVERYWHERE. I mean I want to cover my kids eyes from some commercials!! I monitor my daughters internet use, but I'm not around all the time and she spends time at friends house. I can't chain her to her room, but I know she's being exposed to more than I know. I mean, all kids have to do is open the internet, and they can see every kind of porn ever thought of. I'm trying to teach my daughter morals and keep her educated about the dangers of sex, but I'm only so powerful. I give her freedom but I worry so much. You can't be too strict because then they hate you and do things behind your back, but you can't be too lenient, because they'll end up pregnant, on drugs, or worse. Anyone have the same concerns?? Anyone have some good advice?

The problem between my friend and I..?

My friend & I have been good friends since we're in the middle school for only 1 year. This is the 2nd year of me in the middle school and we're still studying in the same class. I've been really harsh to her last year as she always thinks negative & i think positively. Whenever something happens, she will be very panic and started to fret about it but not to think of how to solve that problem. Now, I started to dislike her personality which i've disliked since year 1 in middle school. Sometimes, I think she's kind of treating me as her puppet as she's scare that she doesn't have friends. She doesn't wait for me even in the library, after school or whatever time only waits for me when she needs me. When she saw her sister, she will run away without saying a goodbye. & well, she's kind of selfish. She doesn't like treating people and not even me who treated her so many times. How am i going to face her? I started hating her more than the words i can say. And am i sensitive or..?

Ideas for a playlist im making for my boyfriend?

My boyfriend is always txting me song titles and telling me to listen to them, they're always great songs! Well hes been gone for a week at camp, and when I see him again i wanna give a paper eith a few songs for him to listen to. Any ideas or suggestions? (I more specifically need a song explaining how i miss him, or i cant wait to see him again) (He doesnt like country to well, but im sure hell listen to it. He HATES rap! So please no rap. Hes okay with pop. But he really likes song by nevershoutnever, eat me while im hot, remembering sunday, etc.)

Tips for getting off grounding early ? Please Help!?

I got grounded for a month, as to id rather leave the reason out my mom is a very understanding and lenient person. Im trying to nail it down to 3 weeks. What can i do to shorten down my time period and also how do i approach her about allowing me to shorten it down ? Parents opinions and experienced kids please help!

Motorcycle permit question?

i turned 16 a couple months ago and im going through drivers ed and ill be driving at soonest mid august and i was planning on this summer getting a job and buying a kawasaki ninja 250r (learner bike) and i was going to take the test to get my permit to learn but i looked at the rules for riding with a permit and im not quite sure what they are, i live in washington ... the big thing i dont get is they are so lenient on the rules .. so if i had my permit i am legally able to ride to school to the store across town as long as i ride during daylight? it just doesnt seem right ... can someone clarify for me thanx?

Did Adolf Hitler probably ever realise how he had been maybe coerced and used by his financial supporters?

Hitler a Media Puppet? lmao he was in full control of everything he did and people feared him in his Party/Country/armed forces etc

What if I dont pass my PT test for boot camp for USNSCC?

I am going to boot camp on June 17th in Chicago at the Great Lakes Naval Base, and I have every part of the PT test down except for the running. I have heard that the boot camp for USNSCC(United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps) is lenient, and the only way you wont graduate is if you mouth off, have a bad attitude, or injure yourself during training. I hope this is true, because I would hate to not graduate. I only am worried about the running part. Will I still graduate if I don't pass the PT test because of the running? I have also heard that most of the 9 day boot camp is marching, and classes, and tests. I am not worried about those. I am just worried about the running. Will I still Graduate boot camp for USNSCC?

Puppet Master remake?

So I heard Charles Band is remaking his Puppet Master, is it still in production or did they just decide to stop working on it?

Is there a puppet out kinda like robbies from victorious (or any cool puppet)?

i want a cool puppet but not like the crappy ones that you use your pinkie and thumb to control mouth i want a nice one, if there is one like robbies than please give me link.

Is it better to have no father at all, or have one that is barely there & not a good person?

Fathers day is tomorrow, & I have a 10 month old without one. I always said she doesn't need a dad, blah blah, but it's starting to hit me, seeing these teen girls with teen dads who love their babies. I was so selfish, I needed to have my daughter, despite knowing that hed be absent early on. But i'm starting to freak out more and more as the days go by that my child does not have any father, let alone ANY strong male influence, or any other strong influence at all. I became pregnant at 18 & my childs father abused me physically & mentally. He has 5 other kids, and i watched him tell off his 13 year old when she asked him to do christmas for her & her brother. He spit on me, pushed me, & told me he was going to trip me on my stomach just for trying to be equal in his conversations (thats what everything rooted from, him trying to show everyone that I was his little puppet.. hed do these things in front of people). The numerous stories are too detailed and long to explain. I feel terrible, I have given my child no options, either a dad who is garbage and I am positive will give her a void that she tries to fill with other garbage men, or none at all. By the way, he CLAIMS he wants to meet her but everytime ive tried (3 times) hes disappeared on judgment day, popping up months later saying it's my fault. I dont know what he wants. He told me the other day he wants to sign over rights because ill never let him meet her, & i kept telling him what do you mean ive tried. He then asked me, what do you want me to do, & i said i dont care. I actually felt happy that I wouldnt have to deal with him in the future. No one understands or gets it. I know not one person anywhere near my predicament. I don't know what to do.

What university/college best fits the following description?

O.k., so I was wondering what school has a very good department for art, performing arts specifically, and pre-medicine, specifically for orthopedic surgery. I would like to know colleges that can offer the best of both. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. :)

What Branch Of The Military Has The Most Lenient Weight Requirements?

Yeah you're a little heavy. Forget the Army/ Marine Corps. Looks like you already have though. I would say you need to lose some more weight and look into the Air Force and Navy after. I know that they both are making weight and height an issue but you can get away with more in that subject when you're already in. Eat healthy drink plenty of water and do some cardio. Shed that extra weight off and you'll be golden.

Yahoo is there any way to find a specific skin care ad that was advertised by AdChoices?

The ad posted about two months ago while I was reading my email. It was an advertisement for a skin care product. That was specifically grouped by your age (20s, 30s, 40s). Is there any way that your company could view the archives for skin care porducts advertised ny AdChoices?

What phobia do you have and what's your sign?

doesn't have to be a real phobia though. any illogical fear would be ok. maybe some sesame street puppet were freaking you out when you were a kiddo... stuff like that.

I was arrested for marijuana when i was 13 and only have my ged. Will the military accept me?

I have talked with a recruiter from the air force and he told me that they do not grant waivers for a GED (kinda messed up??) BUT he also informed me that if i took 15 hours of college credits that i may be able to apply! (also messed up..) BUT also informed me they may be more lenient because i was so young. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! thank you

Do you EVER Wonder what you are because I don't Understand What I am =(?

I feel things that I don't Understand Why I am feeling that way and ETC. and THESE feelings I have I NEVER felt before like Last Year I never FELT REAL Depression until Last Year and it was the MOST Painful Emotion I ever FELT in my Whole Entire Life and today I felt so Hurt over something that I shouldn't have felt so Hurt and Emotional about it and this was the Very First Time I felt so Hurt about something like that but it was just so Painful and Hurtful I was crying so much for a while even though I know For Sure that My Grandpa Loves and Cares about me so much but I was just soooo Hurt like I swear this is the First time I ever felt hurt about something that I shouldn't EVEN question and I feel like something out there is Controlling me and my emotions and I don't FEEL REAL I feel like I am just a Robot or a Puppet or a COPY I just don't FEEL REAL I just want to CRY and I was born this way and I don't UNDERSTAND Why I feel the way I do! and I know it's because of something beyond my Understanding that makes me question my Existence =0( like Am I REAL? What Am I?

What do you think is best SINK or SWIM parenting or protective parenting?

Good question! I vote SINK or SWIM but only after age 5-6. I know it sounds tough and harsh but there is no reason why there can’t be plenty of hugs and cuddling during this. Personally, I feel kids are too entitled, protected and spoiled. They have no ability to cope with adversity or survive without Mommy’s bubble of comfort surrounding them. Unfortunately for these kids, public school and the world in general will never be as accommodating as a mother. But you do the math. Exactly how much time is Mommy around you after you start school full time? I would rather my son learn to be resilient, flexible and prepared than caught completely off guard and be naïve and clueless. But not until they are at least 5 or 6. Until then they should be completely guarded and protected from themselves!

Christian Views on abortion and "Gods Plan".?

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is it wrong of me to ask?

So long story short, my roommate came home drunk one night and went to toss my laptop behind him onto the chair but instead he missed and it crashed to the floor. So now a decent sized chunk of the corner of the laptop has all dead pixels and now is completely white with some distortion around it and a few lines running down the screen. The computer still works but it really bugs the sh1t out of me so now I want to buy a new one. I understand it was an accident but still he was careless and ruined something of mine. So instead of making him buy me a new one I will just merely ask him to throw down $100 from his next paycheck and I will cover the rest. Am I being too lenient or am I asking for too much, personally I think my request is good enough.

Starbucks job or Petsmart?

If Starbucks is willing to give you up on that Friday or Saturday, then do it. Sounds like you already know the answer.

Are the Democrats with their defamatory crap showing those of us who left the party we did the right thing?

Well I am glad you see the Progressives are taking over the Democrat party. I am a conservative and think maybe we should allow farmers to grow hemp (which is not strong enough to get high on). They do give marijuana to cancer patients (they can even take it in a pill too). It would be a rough road and would not happen over night but we could grow hemp which you can use to make paper, rope, clothes, etc. The Americans during the Revolutionary war wore American made clothes spun from hemp. Personally the West in general will probably legalize hemp and marijuana. One the side note I also do not want to live in a Victorian like nightmare where I am stepping over heroin addicts.

Rust In Peace vs. Master Of Puppets?

Rust In Peace, by a LONG shot! Much better creativity/originality and song srtuctures. Songs like Tornado Of Souls, Hangar 18, Rust In Peace... Polaris are just simply untouchable. An awesome thrash release for sure. Dave is awesome, and Metallica wouldn't be where they are today without him (also Cliff, R.I.P.).

Best Metallica song/ album?

Pick a song and an album (song doesnt have to be from favorite album) mine is a tie between Whiskey in the Jar and Damage, Inc. and fav album is... Master of Puppets

What should I major in to become an arts manager?

The college I'm going to doesn't specifically have an arts management major... but they have business management and human resource management. Which one would be best if want a career in the arts? Thanks.

How do Merch Connection's sizes run (specifically, their tank tops)?

I want to order an Attila tank top from, and I've never ordered from them before. I wear a medium in tshirts but a large in dressier shirts and dresses. Anyone ordered a tank from them before? Thanks :)

Requirements for Veterinary School?

Vet schools are some of the most competitive schools int he country-there are only 28 or so. The requirements are on any vet web page, you will need more science that you have. Unlike med school, they are not looking for all kinds of crazy majors; vets do not need to be as well-rounded. You might want to talk to a school adviser, or really have a serious talk with yourself about really becoming a vet vrs just having a passing thought. Because you will need to fully embrace the science, the vet volunteer experience, etc.

What state has the most lenient gun laws?

It would boil down to what criteria you used and who is doing the rating, however, I think all would agree that Alaska or Vermont would be at the top of any list.

Parents, how long will you leave left overs in your fridge and still eat them?

Usually 5 days. It may stay in there for 2 weeks but I'm not eating it after 5 days. Meat is my one exception. It gets eaten the next day or thrown out. But stuff like mashed potatoes or mac and cheese, or potato salad, it can stay for a week. I don't eat leftover meat though. It never heats back up right, but my husband will usually eat it for lunch the next day. If he doesn't that cats get it.

Would a coach count 1 mile of running as part of total mileage?

I'm supposed to run 300 miles this summer but a few days ago I was only able to run 1 before it got dark out (and I'm not allowed to run when it's dark). Do you think my coach, who is pretty lenient as far as xc coaches go, would count that? I know one mile is basically nothing for xc, but I did run it fast if that helps.

What is the Show on Nick that had puppets that were two teenage boys that worked at a burger place?

There Used to be a show on nick that came on in the 2006 or so i cant remember the name please answer if u know

Psycho girlfriend, how do you get rid of an emotionally blackmailing cancer chick?

no matter what you say to him or think about his girlfriend its all up to him so he has to realize it himself

Am I bothering her? Should I continue to sit here?

In one of my classes, we were given assigned seats and I was sat next to this guy who sort of gave me the creeps and then a seat away from me is a really popular girl. The teacher started to get lenient with the seating plan and let students move a bit. Since none of my good friends are in that class, I decided to move over to sit by the popular girl instead of the guy who gave me creeps. I don't know the girl very well so I didn't talk much, as she didn't either, and then about halfway through she moved to another group and left me with this other fairly popular friend of hers who was a seat away. I have this feeling that maybe she moved because of me, which I thought was weird because I didn't seem to bother her anything. I'm now not sure if I should just reluctantly sit by the scary guy or if I should try sitting there again. Help please?

Kids tv show that was shown in between shows?

I don't know that show, but there was a show recently called Owl that had a little owl doing really hilarious stuff and there was another show years ago called Soupe Opera that had fruit coming out of bins and making little animals. It had the best music.

Where can I find puppet stories for my grandchild?

I just got a couple of puppets and I want to do some puppet stories to entertain my young grandchild. But I can't think up any simple story plots to do for children. Where can I find simple puppet story plots? Or can anyone out there think of any?

What is wrong with being a sadist/masochist?

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with it? I enjoy seeing people, be it man or woman, in fear, or covered in blood while screaming, almost as much as I enjoy harming myself with burns or falling down stairs. You can call me self destructive and all, I'm just going to see you as another puppet to mess with in my fantasy. But aside from that, what is wrong with it? Aside from me hurting myself, I don't harm anyone else(doesn't mean I won't).

Disciplinary problems with a seven year old?

I would suggest consulting another counselor or more senior worker at the camp. Chances are that they have encountered a problem child before and they will be able to give advice on what you should do and what types of actions are appropriate.

Are colleges more lenient in terms of accepting those with learning disabilties?

I know a lot of colleges are competitive and expect stellar grades and test scores. I was wondering if colleges took into account learning disabilities when looking at grades/scores etc. Are they likely to be lenient in these terms to those with disabilities? Does it depend on the college?

What if I dont pass my PT test for boot camp for USNSCC?

I am going to boot camp on June 17th in Chicago at the Great Lakes Naval Base, and I have every part of the PT test down except for the running. I have heard that the boot camp for USNSCC(United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps) is lenient, and the only way you wont graduate is if you mouth off, have a bad attitude, or injure yourself during training. I hope this is true, because I would hate to not graduate. I only am worried about the running part. Will I still graduate if I don't pass the PT test because of the running? I have also heard that most of the 9 day boot camp is marching, and classes, and tests. I am not worried about those. I am just worried about the running. Will I still Graduate boot camp for USNSCC?

Is the vancouver sharks series fixed?

i believe this series is fixed I mean every game vancouver won was because of 5 on 3 and game misconducts especially game 4 yesterday the canucks only had 6 SHOTS on 5 on 5 play and still managed to win the game on 3 5 on 3 in a row and that just doesn't happen, you don't even see that in regualr season and in the play offs they're supposed to be lenient on giving penalties

Html doesn't work on tumblr page?

whatever you want to put in, copy the link of what you want and put it in the info (description) box, it worked for me ...

Drug penalties in california?

Despite the fact that polls show Californians want reduced sentences or alternatives to incarceration for most drug-related offenses, the State Legislature isn't likely to give in right away. However, for your purposes, I have assembled a few sites by Googling "California drug penalties." Below are only a few. On the first site, start with California Penal Code Section 11100. There are many, many more, and you can do the same with California DUI laws.

Does anyone know the name to this emotion/feeling?

Basically, it’s this REALLY strong gut feeling. It usually happens when I’m changing, in the restroom, going out(specifically sleepovers), or doing something you wouldn’t have done at a younger age. (Otherwise it also happens randomly) The common thoughts that always come to mind is the idea of growing up. How I’m going to become a Mom and have kids. It makes me not want that. It also suddenly makes me miss the past like crazy. Usually 3rd grade. (I’m rising 10th grade) But then, it’s not just another emotion, because it’s one that I hate THE MOST. It’s such a horrible feeling to have. I can usually feel it getting to me and the first thought is to try and ignore it, but I never can. I seriously bet when I get married and have sex, it’s only going to be 2 minutes of pleasure for me. Also, it’s not guilt or regret, I know what both those feels like and it’s nothing compared to it.

What to do with my ex boyfriend/ current fling?

So I have been with my ex boyfriend for almost 3 years...throughout our relationship we took a break for 5 months but always hung out and talked throughout the break..we've been back together since last december (2010)...when we started talking he didnt treat me that great..hung up on me..still texted girls he talked to while we were on our break..he took some other girl to prom while we were talking and bought a rose for her when he asked her to the prom..he danced with girls at his prom..i was lenient because i knew it was his prom..these are the bad things that happened..overall he treats me right and we have our good times..he still hasnt asked me to be his girlfriend yet and we've been talking for almost 7 months since we broke up and act like a couple..he calls me every morning..we talk every night..see each other most of every day..hang out on the weekends (sometimes) i just dont know what to do because he starts his freshman year in college this august and ill be a sophomore in college..we're both going to the same college..i just dont want to waste my time..he still hasnt asked me to be his gf after everything we've been through..i just dont know what to do..i feel like he might just blow me off when he starts college and i dont want him cheating on me and meeting new ppl in college while im there...its just all confusing..i dont know what to do..

My boyfriends sister died 7 days ago, and ive been having sex every night. am i being too lenient?

reduce it to twice a month at the most -- he will start to take advantage of you ... if you love him and he loves you, you will both understand

What jobs can I get with two misdemeanors and no job experience?

I'm 20 years old and was recently arrested for shoplifting and false name last month. I need a job, any job, real quick to help pay for legal fees and upcoming fines. I've got no prior official work experience. Are there any places/companies/positions that are more lenient or easier to get jobs as? Any recommendations?

Is it possible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

I weigh 96.1 kg and stand just under 6 foot 3 (190 cm). I usually work out 5 times a week, every work out session starting with a 20 mins on a stationary bike with fairly high resistance. I have been trying to lose stomach fat for a while because I can feel my abs which I work on regularly but they are covered by fat (I know you can't specifically target an area of your body for weight loss). Anyways, after doing some reading I now understand that I have to lower my daily calorie intake AND work out. However won't that disrupt my muscle gains if I'm eating a bit less? Thanks in advance, any tips would be greatly appreciated! :)

My girlfriend is moving and i need to know what to do... PLEASE HELP ME!?

I'm sure ur a great guy..but u need to chill out. U want to move to miami to follow her and u want ur parents to help? I'm confused.why don't u guys just do long distance, see eachother on school breaks. Get a job and save up for the tickets. U need to be concerned and respectful of her well being and let her go back home. U guys are young...if ur meant to be together one day u will....but there is no point in rushing u

Where are these polls for the presidential nominations and how do i vote?

I always hear about these polls and would like to vote but I cant find them anywhere. More specifically is there anywhere online that I can cast a vote?

Teacher assistant application?

It's a little wordy, but it's basically OK. I have encountered should be I have found. I'd bullet point the items in your experience list. It will be easier to read than two long paragraphs.

Superlatives- Your Least Favorite (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars)?

I hate Gemini with a burning passion.They're too egotistical,and they lie to themselves.They're so high-and-mighty,and never listen to other people.They always think THEY'RE right,and everyone else must be wrong.They're also a bit shallow,and I HATE that they don't take enough things seriously.At least the Geminis I know.Not necessarily all.But I don't think I'll ever get along with a Gemini.There are several signs I don't particularly like,but this one is the worst.

How can i get my mom to get off my back with the way i look?

i asked her if a lump in my throat right under my addams apple was normal or not because alot of people say when you have lumps you might want to cheack with your doctor just to make sure and right out of nowhere she points out how ( bad) my chin looks with all the facial hair on it and told me when m dad askes me to shave i should say ( yes) no i dont HAVE to say yes if i honestly dont feel like it. im not saying i want the hair their because i dont but why is it such a big deal to her? im 17 omg im not her **** puppet. my mood is now ruiened. that's why i never talk to her she just ***** with me im tired of ******* living please? i hate controling parents.......i do i honestly hate them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is me or my boyfriend in the wrong? Who needs to do what? I need your help please!?

Me and my boyfriend only argue over beliefs and point of views. He is a very specific person. The only actual thing that happened in this, is the whole bathroom situation(which I will explain next), everything else is examples. These situations happen all the time. The reasons for him getting mad is not because he don't trust me, "its the point." He says that you shouldn't say nothing at all with specific words if your not literally meaning exactly what you say, like words such as just, only, or give specific time if that's not exactly what you mean. For example (this actually happened) Something happened for him to say "go ahead and do this then, since you're gonna be in there for an hour(bathroom)." Which I replied I just have to pee. Because of what happens, he later says " if you wasn't gonna do what you said, then you shouldn't have said it the way you said it, and have more self control. But i was only planning on just peeing and coming back, but i got side tracked in the mirror and spent a total of 15 min. in the bathroom. I did not plan for that to happen at all, he seems to think that i did it intentionally and that I lied because I used the words "just pee" and "just" is a specific word and he says that I'm pretty much saying "only Pee", and that I did it on purpose because i know that it makes him mad, and I did it to just start an argument, him knowing that I actually meant that "I just need to pee." I try to tell, and show him that, that was not the reason and he then says im bullshitting him. That i am just arguing because i don't want to admit that i he is right. Also he says that in a sentence, taking one word out, or adding one word in place of another will change the whole meaning of it. I don't believe something is a lie, unless it is done intentionally before hand. When we first got together, I let him know I used to lie allot in my past, and pretty much all i did was lie. I did it for attention, and to have something to talk about. I told little lies like i saw a....(whatever it may be, but lying about it), stuff like that. I had such a boring life, i had nothing to brag on, or to talk about, so i made up stuff. When i got with him i wanted to change my whole life around, i just needed help getting out of the habit because we have everything in common such as feelings and shyness and weird reaction to feelings a person might have. We understand each other. Just like he said that he understood why I said it the way I did, but he says that, that's not the point and I shouldn't use specific words. I don't agree with what he considers to be lies to go over board or make a big deal out of them. I consider it a change of mind or plan unintentional. Knowing you was going to change your mind or plan before you do and not bother to let the person you know i consider that being a lie. I just wish that he could accept the way I use my words and talk, so...... yea. Because he don't we get in a bad argument. If i start to tell him a lie without thinking, I've gotten myself into the habit to stop myself and then let him know i was about to do that. I just want it to work, because i love him andi just don't know how 2 work on the specific stuff to make things better, and or who needs to work the most. I am not specific. I do allot in life that is similar to estimating or rounding off you could say, I'm pretty much saying im in the habit of telling what my intentional plans are by stating it as if that's what im gonna do by using specific words, but not meaning it specifically though. another example could be "im just going to the store and back, I'll be back in an hour." But then go somewhere else and take like 3 hours or so. Another example is, if i go to my mothers, and my intentions were just visiting, and we talk and i decide to go ahead and stay the night, i consider both of those examples as changing my mind or plans, and he considers it lying. I have an imagination. I can say that looks just like that! every knowing it isn't going to be identical just close enough to give you the idea. He argues with me and tells me im wrong when i'm trying to explain to him that I cant be wrong with what my imagination lets me think, him knowing that. What should i do? Who needs to improve more and change to make it work? Please help. Thanks.

Parents, how long will you leave left overs in your fridge and still eat them?

Usually 5 days. It may stay in there for 2 weeks but I'm not eating it after 5 days. Meat is my one exception. It gets eaten the next day or thrown out. But stuff like mashed potatoes or mac and cheese, or potato salad, it can stay for a week. I don't eat leftover meat though. It never heats back up right, but my husband will usually eat it for lunch the next day. If he doesn't that cats get it.

Why don't more people support Ron Paul?

He is the truth! Do Americans want their country to keep going the way is going! The fed needs to end how can people not see all the thing Ron talks about! The real problems that are going on! Americans need to wake up and vote for this man and stop voting for these puppet presidents!

White guys LIKE latina girls BUT are ashamed to actually date one?

What about a black guy you racist b*tch? You're asking this question as if you're favouring white guys.

Becoming a diplomat what majors are good fot this?

I have been reading and someone said that you dont have to be an international relations major to be a diplomat, and the person said she knows two diplomats who didnt study this major International relations, one was a retired dentist and the other an engineer, but got into this field later on. Is this true that you dont have to specifically study this and apply to be a diplomat? So If I do a history major French major Linguistic major could I still get into this Foriegn affairs?

LANDLORD AND TENANT!!! notice and rent arrears what rights do i have?

my landlord issued me and my partner (who is 8 months pregnant) a s.21 notice to vacate after just 6 months despite us being excellent tenants who have paid rent on time every month and kept the house in immaculate condition throughout he hasen't given us a reason for the eviction as our contract expired the day before he gave us notice so he doesn't need to supply a reason the situation I'm now in is i have 2 young sons and my baby is due ONE DAY before our eviction date i have tried to speak to the landlord but all we get is "not my problem" or "not any of my concern" my problem is that we really need to move ASAP granted, i have informed the landlord that the only way i can move is by withholding the last two months rent so i can afford another property with that money then asked him to take our deposit as part payment for the arrears and then set up a payment plan after we leave to clear the rest, but he does not seem at all interested or to that end to have a heart and be lenient and is demanding that i pay his rent immediately as it stands now i am 1 week in arrears and our eviction date is 7 weeks away what rights do i have and what rights does the landlord have also if the rent arrears matter was taken to court would we under our circumstances be ordered to pay as if we were a bad tenant who is simply refusing to pay just for the sake of it! whereas i can prove that i will not be able to move without the money form his rent and it isnt as if im refusing to pay his rent full stop ive offered to pay him once we leave do you think im being unreasonable or do you think the landlord is being unreasonable??? any help in this matter would be brilliant from anyone who may have an opinion!!!

FTP Server personal folders?

I have an FTP Server on Windows Server 2008 R2 on IIS and can connect to it, but I would like other users (on my computer/domain) to be able to access different folders in virtual directories, but only that folder. Specifically, I would like to be able to give them a link to their virtual directory, and allow them to log in to that folder only, not the root or anyone else's folder. How can I manage the amount of space allowed in the directory? Please be detailed. Thanks.

What punishment will six individuals who committed a brutal murder and get away it have on judgement day?

my friend Patrick was a good man he was very loyal and understanding and exceptionally kind to everyone he worked hard to survive and support his daughter. six years ago six individuals who were known for trouble threw a bottle at his truck when he stopped getting into his truck he was beating unconscious and his truck was driven to a location in the countryside they took his wallet which if they asked him he would have gaven then anything they want. duct taped him into his truck making sure he wouldn't escaped poured gasoline and set the truck on fire with him in it. neighbors near by heard him screaming then a explosion, the judge was too lenient on them they are all out of prison now since 2006, except one who's doing time for drugs - what punishment will god have on judgement day for them for this?